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Tools & Useful Advice

When an individual contracts with Church for Cops, LLC., they receive training from a career law enforcement professional who is fully committed and passionate about improving policing in America through them.  Benefits gained will include improved organizations whose employees will positively represent the noble profession of policing through their enhanced accountable leadership.  Through self-improvement of the individual, attendees embracing the concepts being offered will see their relationships and careers flourish.  Contact Church for Cops to see how the services of leadership training, career coaching, and team building workshops can help you, your agency, and our noble profession.

Leadership Reads

Coming soon will be a comprehensive list of many of the most popular and obscure leadership publications.


Coming soon will be a comprehensive list of many of the most popular and obscure leadership podcasts.

partner services

Coming soon will be a comprehensive list of partners services offering additional quality leadership & resiliency training and services.

Our Partners

Partners links coming soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Agency employees will return to work with a refreshed outlook on their career and the law enforcement profession.  Benefits will include improved agency morale and an ultimate better service to community through police leadership.

Anyone looking to reset their heart and mindset for the law enforcement career and profession.  Anyone committed to truly improving their own leadership delivery.

Church for Cops, LLC., is a law enforcement leadership development company that offers leadership training and coaching to police organizations or individual employees.

At your agency!  Instructor Ron Bayne travels to you and delivers training to members of host agencies and their invited guests.  Courses are currently offered in various states through 2023 and into 2026.  Contact Ron at Church for Cops, LLC., to reserve your spot.

Ron Bayne will work with your agency to program dates that work for both.  Individuals can attend open courses currently scheduled and hosted by various agencies.

The term “Church for Cops” originated from a student of one of Ron’s classes in his assessment of what the training experience offered.  Ask Ron to tell the story in class.  Its a good one!

Church for Cops training is not intended to be based on any religious doctrine.  Ron Bayne does believe however that when one serves in the law enforcement profession, they are serving a purpose greater than themselves. Those serving in this profession were drawn to it for intrinsic reasons that often become lost on employees.  Through self-reflection, attendees of a Church for Cops, LLC., leadership training are brought back to their true purpose behind serving others